A Green and Fair Recovery is Within Reach

February 23rd, 2021

We need to act much faster now than when the Climate Change Act was passed in 2008, since global emissions have continued going up. That’s why the government’s ‘net zero by 2050’ target is just no longer adequate. It’s getting increasingly clear that the target of limiting warming to 1.5C is very important, as feedback mechanisms are already starting to kick in. At the same time it’s getting increasingly challenging, requiring 15%/year cuts to 2040 as illustrated by the chart, with emissions needing to more than halve by 2030. It all hinges on how we and the rest of the world pull out of the pandemic – we have the best chance ever to make a choice, lets make the right one and have a Green New Deal!


The government needs to act but people need to be on board, that’s what the new CEEbill is about: https://www.ceebill.uk/ . It proposes new targets and citizens assemblies as an essential element of achieving rapid consensual change.

A local action plan is important, and Bristol City Council is working on one.

A household plan, including these things, is also important:


Get in touch if you want to join our Climate Action Group to get involved in some group action!