We’re calling on people from all over Bristol to stand up against the climate crisis, and get our local government to start treating this situation as an emergency, not just an inconvenience.
By the end of 2020 we want a commitment to:
Transport: Stop the sale of petrol and diesel cars within the decade. Invest in brilliant and cheap public transport, cycling and walking everywhere.
Power: Stop making electricity from dirty fuels and ban fracking. Start aiming for 100% clean energy from the wind, sun and sea.
Buildings: End the misery of cold, expensive-to-heat homes. Fund a massive insulation scheme and shift to eco-friendly heating.
Agriculture and Land Use: Stop using our land for intensive farming. Double tree cover and let wildlife thrive.
Infrastructure: Stop backing projects that fuel climate change, like airport expansion. Start making climate change a deal-breaker in all spending decisions.
International Justice: Stop funding fossil fuels globally. Pay its fair share to support more-vulnerable countries to cut carbon pollution and deal with the impacts of climate change.
We are currently engaged in a city-wide organising campaign, engaging new volunteers across the city and signing supporters up to join the movement against climate change by participating in this mass kickoff event: 6-8.30pm, Friday 5th July at St Werburghs Community Centre.
While the campaign will be framed by our national policy demands, the specific focus and activities in Bristol will be chosen by participants at this event and the people involved will be fully trained and supported by Friends of the Earth staff.
How can you help?
Firstly, please register to attend this kickoff event on 5th July:
But even better, get involved to build the event and build the movement! You can help locally in your neighbourhood and amongst your friends and colleagues, or join a support team
Signup here: https://tinyurl.com/bristolclimatesignup